How We Treat

Our Techniques

  • Comprehensive exams and biomechanics testing are essential components for developing effective treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs. A comprehensive physical therapy exam includes a thorough assessment of the patient's medical history, a detailed physical examination, and various diagnostic tests to evaluate strength, flexibility, range of motion, posture, and functional movement patterns. Biomechanics testing, on the other hand, involves analyzing the mechanical aspects of movement to understand how different parts of the body interact during various activities. This may include gait analysis, motion capture, and force measurement to identify abnormal movement patterns, muscular imbalances, or joint dysfunctions. Together, these evaluations provide a holistic view of your condition, enabling physical therapists to pinpoint the root causes of pain or dysfunction and to design personalized, evidence-based treatment plans that enhance recovery and optimize physical performance.  

  • Sports medicine and return to sports programming are specialized services designed to help you as an athlete recover from injuries and safely resume your sports activities. Sports medicine involves the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries, with a focus on restoring optimal function and performance. This includes tailored therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, and modalities to address acute and chronic injuries, as well as strategies to prevent future injuries. Return to sports programming is a structured plan that gradually reintroduces you to your sport through a series of progressive, sport-specific exercises and drills. This program is carefully monitored and adjusted by our physical therapists to ensure the athlete regains strength, flexibility, endurance, and confidence without risking re-injury. Together, these services aim to expedite recovery, enhance athletic performance, and ensure a safe and effective return to your sport.

  • Manual therapy involves hands-on techniques such as joint mobilization and soft tissue mobilization to increase joint range of motion and alleviate pain. Manual therapies help patients recover from injuries, manage chronic conditions, and improve their physical well-being by addressing the underlying issues and promoting healing.


    -Active assisted release

    -IASTM (graston technique and scraping)

    -Joint mobilization


    -Trigger point release

  • Functional movement screens are a valuable assessment tool used to evaluate an individual's movement patterns and identify any functional limitations or asymmetries that may predispose them to injury. A functional movement screen consists of a series of standardized tests that require balance, stability, and mobility, including deep squats, hurdle steps, and inline lunges. By analyzing the quality of these movements, physical therapists can pinpoint weaknesses, imbalances, and compensatory patterns that may not be apparent in static evaluations. The results of a functional movement screen allow therapists to develop targeted intervention strategies to correct faulty movement patterns, enhance overall function, and prevent injuries. This comprehensive assessment helps in crafting personalized treatment plans that promote optimal performance and long-term musculoskeletal health.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.